Robit is a strongly internationalized growth company servicing global customers and selling drilling consumables for applications in underground and surface mining, construction, geotechnical and well drilling. The company’s offering is divided into three product and application groups: Top Hammer, Down the Hole and Geotechnical.

The foundation of the Robit story is strong and determined internationalization. The acquisitions, Drilling Tools Australia Pty Ltd and Bulroc (UK) Ltd, made in summer 2016 strengthened significantly Robit’s international operations. In addition, Robit purchased manufacturing assets and IPRs from Halco International LLC and Halco America LLC in January 2017 as well as further finalized the Halco acquisition in February 2017 by purchasing a majority of Halco Brighouse Ltd’s shares in England. As a result of the Halco acquisition Robit has further strengthened its Down-the-Hole business as a complement to the acquisitions made in Australia and England in May-July 2016. Robit emphasizes that it is a global company specializing in selling drilling consumables via its comprehensive distribution network in the global market.

Robit has its own sales and service points in seven countries as well as an active dealership network through which it sells to more than 100 countries. Robit’s manufacturing units are located in Finland, South Korea, Australia, and the UK. Robit’s shares are listed on NASDAQ Helsinki Ltd.

Our consistent high quality drill bits meet the needs of the most powerful hydraulic drifters.

  • High alloy Scandinavian steel and compact homogenous tungsten carbide
  • Modern bit design and our special method for installing the buttons into the bodies
  • Continuous quality monitoring throughout the manufacturing process
  • Continuous testing in Scandinavian granite

A focused niche supplier holding the global leading position in drill bit applications.

Robit is a flexible company that puts all its efforts to developing first class button bits. We listen to our customers and their needs.

From past experience, Robit people have a thorough knowledge of the modern hydraulic top hammer drilling. We combine that knowledge with our modern button bit design.

Company’s strategy

Robit values

With our values, we want to highlight issues that are important to us and that support our success now and in the future:

We serve with speed
We want to serve our customers, distributors and colleagues quickly, without compromising safety and quality. Speed and reliability are essential for us and our customers.

We drive change
The ability to make rapid changes is important to us and we see it as one of our competitive advantages. Therefore, we seek to view changes positively and as opportunities for continuous development.

We respect everyone
We treat everyone – colleagues, customers, suppliers, distributors and the community around us – respectfully. We want to be a responsible employer for our personnel and a reliable partner for all our stakeholders.