Acompáñanos en el Stand E-102, Expomina Peru 2022

Welcome to visit our stand E-102 at Expomina Peru 2022. The exhibition will take place on 27-29 April 2022, Centro de Exposiciones Jockey, Lima, Peru.

Get a firsthand look at our new products, comprehensive services and integrated solutions. Get familiar for our new Top Hammer Rbit series as well as tubeless DTH WH TL hammer family and DTH bits. Find also Robit® M Sense Systems – the easiest solution on the market brings borehole deviation measurement to the hands of everyone!

We serve You at our booth E-102. You are more than welcome!

Robit team

Sustainability at Robit

Robit’s promise to be Your partner for a more sustainable tomorrow

Sustainability as a topic has been present in business for a long time already, however, it has been gaining more and more traction and attention in recent years. This has caused many companies, including Robit, to re-orient themselves, in order to bring sustainability-related matters more into focus. At Robit, this is done by committing to new sustainability KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and asking the company’s stakeholders to do the same. Robit has always had sustainable practices, like sourcing materials from responsible partners, as well as setting a high priority to employees’ health and safety. Recently, however, the company has been in the process of doubling down on its sustainability efforts and setting clear objectives for these practices, based on a common vision created through extensive cooperation between the management and the employees. With the launch of the ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) roadmap in September 2021, the ESG practices of the company have been refined and further defined.

As a result, Robit’s actions have been divided into four key areas:

  • Sustainable partnerships: Robit works with partners that share and respect its ESG principles and aims.
  • CO2 emission reduction in the value chain: Robit not only cuts the CO2 emissions caused by its own operations, but also strives to influence emissions’ reductions at its external stakeholders.
  • Healthy and happy workplace: Robit maintains a desired work environment by ensuring the safety of its employees and continuing to build diversity and inclusion as central and empowering parts of the company culture.
  • Efficiency throughout product lifecycle: Robit treats its materials with respect, increasing efficiency and reducing waste in its own and its customers’ operations, while also lengthening product lifetime through training and value adding services.

The aim of these four pillars is to tackle sustainability issues from several directions at once. This creates a holistic approach that extensively addresses different areas of the business, which Robit will use to establish itself as a company tackling important issues in innovative ways. Furthermore, they are already ingrained in Robit’s culture and working practices, thus benefitting the company’s day-to-day operations.

Even though the concrete KPIs for the above key areas were launched only last September, there are already several actions taken and some significant results that have been reached.

  • Robit targets to have a minimum of 90 percent of its supplier spend coming from suppliers who have committed to Robit’s supply chain policy. The result at the end of 2021 was already at 79 percent.
  • A first step towards CO2 emission reduction was taken by building a calculation tool to recognize Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions caused by Robit’s own operations. The company will also increase the share of green energy in its factories, with the first changes having been implemented at its Australian factory in October 2021.
  • For a healthy and happy workplace, the KPI is to target zero lost time incidents, based on LTIF (Lost Time Incident Frequency). In 2021 the result was 2,1, which is already a significant improvement from 4,2 in 2020. In January 2022, Robit reached LTIF of 0,0.
  • To increase efficiency throughout product lifecycle, Robit has set a KPI of providing at least 1 000 hours of consultative sales training annually to the sales and technical personnel of the company and its distributors. Additionally, Robit has set the target to achieve over 90 percent waste recovery ratio in its factory locations. The 2021 results for these were 921 hours and 87 percent, respectively, bringing the company very close to reaching these milestones.

Keep checking back with Robit to learn more!

Robit Plc’s Shareholders Gathered At The Annual General Meeting In Tampere

Robit Plc’s Annual General Meeting was held yesterday at Hotel Ilves in Tampere. A good number of shareholders gathered together at the venue.  


This year, we were able to hold a traditional general meeting in person. It was great to meet Robit’s shareholders and discuss current issues with them, says Arto Halonen, Robit’s new CEO.

Please read the Resolutions Of The Annual General Meeting.

Arto Halonen has been appointed as Robit’s CEO

Tommi Lehtonen has moved on to new challenges and the company’s Board of Directors has appointed Arto Halonen to replace Lehtonen as of 15 March 2022. Halonen has previously served as the company’s CFO and Chief Operating Officer. Harri Sjöholm, Chairman of the Board, would like to thank Lehtonen for his significant contribution to the company’s success.

Read more:

Welcome to visit us at our booth #810 in GEO-CONGRESS 2022

It’s been a decade since the first and only Geo-Congress focusing on the State of the Art and Practice in Geotechnical Engineering. Join researchers, practitioners, students, and contractors from around the globe for the 10-year update. Come hear the latest and network with the leaders of our profession in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, March 20-23, 2022.

Through our technologies and support, we are pleased to help the major construction sector with all their drilling needs and offer the solutions to even the toughest projects. We will introduce the brilliant solutions and technologies of geotechnical applications. Come and meet our experts to hear more about the widest offering in top quality drilling consumables at our booth #810!

Warmly welcome!

Robit® DTH NOVA for demanding, controlled water and energy well drilling projects

Robit has launched the new Superior Casing Systems series for energy & water well drilling – Robit® DTH Nova Series.

Innovative features:

  • Controlled flushing properties
    – Robit® Flow Control – No unwanted flushing into the surrounding soil
    – Robit® Direct Flush – Keeps impact area clean to avoid wear
    – Operates in all ground conditions
  • Optimized face design
    – Faster penetration rate
  • Robust structure
    – Durable, heavy-duty design guarantees longevity


  • Ideal for overburden that is thick and full of boulders
  • Available for all the common Down the Hole hammers
  • Available with Robit® Flow Control or Direct Flush technology
  • Designed for all applications where the casing is left in the ground
  • Highly suitable for the drilling of both water well and thermal wells
  • Enables easy, fast, and reliable drilling process in all conditions


Robit® Flow Control – No unwanted flushing into the surrounding soil

Watch the video: Robit® DTH Nova

Download the brochure: Robit® DTH Nova 2-2022

Stay safe with the pioneer of controlled flushing systems!


Robit Plc’s Annual Report, Corporate Governance Statement and Remuneration Report for the year 2021 have today been published in Finnish and English in PDF format on the company’s website at

The Annual Report contains the Board of Directors’ Review and the Financial Statements 2021. The Financial Statements includes Consolidated Financial Statements, Robit Plc’s Parent Company Statements and the Auditor’s Report.

Please read the report: Robit Plc Annual Report 2021

Meet us at MineXchange 2022 SME Annual Conference & Expo

Connect to a vibrant exchange of information, ideas and products. Collaborate with colleagues and leaders from across the industry and get the insights, information and tools you need to excel in an era of innovation and economic change at the MineXchange 2022 SME Annual Conference & Expo – the premier event for the mining, metallurgy & exploration industry! Conference will take place on February 27 – March 2, 2022, Salt Lake City, USA.

Get a firsthand look at our new products, comprehensive services and integrated solutions. Get familiar for our new Top Hammer Rbit series as well as tubeless DTH WH TL hammer family and DTH bits. Find also Robit® M Sense Systems – the easiest solution on the market brings borehole deviation measurement to the hands of everyone!

We serve You at our booth #2720. You are more than welcome!

Robit team


Replacing and repairing bridges improves mobility and can increase quality of life in communities. In the Northeast U.S.A., M.A. Bongiovanni, a General Contractor out of Syracuse, NY, is helping to maintain our beautiful roads by providing the foundation for safe, resilient and reliable infrastructure.

M.A. Bongiovanni specializes in the Water/Wastewater industry and in geotechnical work, including driven and sheet piles, retaining walls, piers and drilled shafts. When they were chosen to replace a bridge on New York State Route 8, they turned to OCI Division of Global Drilling Suppliers for drill tooling. As often occurs in geotechnical drilling, ground conditions require special accommodations. This job was no exception with piles needing to be placed in overburden consisting of cobbles and boulders. Drilling of overburden without casings could result in collapsed holes and tool loss.

Of Course, drilling in these environments calls for the right equipment. The job required the installation of 22 centerline soldier piles, 24” diameter, through 33’ of overburden and 7’ of rock as well as 11 wingwall soldier piles through 30’ of overburden and 9’ of rock. The Robit® Steel Fist wing bit system was the clear choice.

OCI Division of Global Drilling Suppliers is a manufacture of drill tools, drilling accessories, and design-built drilling equipment. As a distributor of Robit products, they assisted M.A. Bongiovanni with their first Steel Fist concentric overburden drilling system. The drilling process utilized the Robit® DTH SF (Steel Fist) and Robit® Hyper 181 18” hammer with a single rotary head duplex drilling operation. Robit was able to manufacture and deliver the Steel Fist pilot through OCI within the job’s 6 week window before drilling started. Drill tools utilized by M.A. Bongiovanni, manufactured by OCI Division of Global Drilling Suppliers were:

  • Dual Swivel having high-pressure air inlet and discharge to enable drilled spoils containment includes a J-slot driver for driving 24” OD casing.
  • Canister style drill rods, 20” OD
  • Vibration dampening equipment
  • Over the hammer stabilizer, 20” OD
  • Inline oil injection equipment
  • Inline water injection equipment

OCI Division’s onsite field consultant was present while tooling up and during initial drilling, and is pleased to report all expectations were met and exceeded with the Steel Fist’s performance. The solid construction of the wings held up very good with no carbide loss or trouble with opening or closing during loading or unloading of casing material
Speed to finish a project is very important when replacing a bridge, as the structure being repaired typically restricts traffic during the work. Using the Robit® Hyper 181 down-the-hole hammer with the Robit® DTH SF XL2 for use with 24” OD x.500 wall casing material all holes were successfully drilled on schedule and under budget.

Welcome to visit us at the booth #1624 in 48th Annual Conference on Explosives & Blasting Technique

Join nearly 1,600 blasters, manufacturers, government officials and industry leaders at the world’s largest conference on explosives engineering, sponsored by the International Society of Explosives Engineers in Paris Las Vegas Hotel & Casino on 28 January – 2 February 2022. You will find us at the booth #1624.

We’ll introduce our leading solutions for drilling and deviation measuring of blast holes. Get familiar for our new Top Hammer Rbit series as well as tubeless DTH WH TL hammer family and DTH bits. Find also Robit® M Sense Systems – the easiest solution on the market brings borehole deviation measurement to the hands of everyone!

Warmly welcome, Robit Blasting Team

Arriving soon!

We introduced the new Robit Superior Rbit™ Button Bit Series‘ bigger diameters a year ago.

Soon we are going to launch sizes from 32 mm (1¼”) up to 57 mm (2¼”) for bolting, drifting and tunneling.

With the Rbit™, our commitment is to help our customers to reduce the total drilling costs by achieving faster rate of penetration and the lowest cost-per-meter.

Stay tuned!

Robit supports Hilla’s skiing career

Hilla Niemelä is one of the rising young stars in Finnish skiing. Her main target for the current season is the Nordic Junior World Ski Championships in Norway in February 2022. A corporate supporter of sports, Robit signed a sponsorship and cooperation agreement with Hilla in late summer 2021.

The collaboration between Robit and Hilla is based on shared values and jointly produced media content that gives glimpses into Hilla’s training, racing career, goals, current affairs and future expectations. Hilla kept a training diary for our readers in November 2021.

Monday, Nov 1
The competition season is knocking at the door, with races for the next three weekends. The autumn training has gone well and I am looking forward to the races. I have only one race in the Vuokatti Finnish Cup, the freestyle sprint. In previous years, I’ve been in pretty good shape at the season start. After easing up the last couple of weeks, we’re now training intensively, which might affect the upcoming sprint.

Whatever the race mood on Saturday, we have a good plan. On Friday I will do a preparatory training and it will indicate the race mood better. I’ve only skied outside a few times because the warm weather has made the track a bit softer and slower. In Vuokatti I can also ski on the tunnel, where the conditions are always the same. The track in the tunnel is a bit harder, which suits me better at the moment. However, the Saturday race will probably be quite soft and slow.

Saturday, Nov 6
The race was exactly as I thought it would be. Legs were insensitive and skiing felt like a chore. Yesterday’s power workout didn’t bode well, but I felt better than yesterday. My coach and I came to the conclusion that I just hadn’t done enough skiing in the mush to be successful today. However, so far so good, no need to make changes. Next up, more snow touch and aerobic training before the next race.

Saturday, Nov 13
Today, national competition in free style, 9 km distance. It was my first race with the new pair of skis I got yesterday. They worked perfectly, but my performance was a bit sluggish. The ground was quite soft and it’s the hardest for me to ski on. Still, first distance race of the season, and even with a weaker performance, I did alright compared to the others.

Sunday, Nov 14
Today was the classic style sprint. Three years ago, this distance was very good for me, but since then I haven’t been able to measure up my performance for lack of races. I was very nervous about the race, but in the end I really enjoyed it. It was great training for next week’s Finnish Cup, where I’m competing in the same distance. I managed to do all four starts and now I’m much more confident for next week!

Friday, Nov 19
Arrival in Taivalkoski. Tomorrow is my long awaited classic style sprint. This is also the qualifying weekend for the Ruka World Cup, so it’s going to be an exciting race. Feeling good and confident for tomorrow’s race.

Saturday, Nov 20
Taivalkoski Finnish Cup sprint. Disappointment. Even though I qualified 17th, the skiing felt stiff and phlegmatic. The heat was a bit better, but still the skiing felt and looked bad technically. I was 15th in the final results, my best so far in the Finnish Cup, but my goal was to reach the semi-finals. It irks me that I couldn’t give my everything the way I wanted. Tomorrow is another day though. I’m doing the classic style 10 km.

Monday, Nov 22
No start for me on Sunday. Today the doctor prescribed antibiotics for an ear infection. Maybe that was the reason for Saturday’s poor performance. Usually the body gives clear signals before getting sick. Now I’ll just try and get better; my next start will be in early December at the Ruka Winter Games, if I’m well by then. Luckily I got to see a doctor quickly and I’ll defeat this illness as quickly as possible. The season is still young and I’m not worried, although falling ill is never a good thing. It’s only after new year that I need to get up to full speed. Plenty of time to prepare! 😉


As far as mineral reserves go, Kazakhstan is in the top twenty in the world, and mining comprises almost one-third of the country’s export earnings. No wonder then that the competition in the sales of all mining-related goods, including drilling tools, is very tough. Robit secured a distribution deal with a key player in the region.

As a major global exporter of minerals, Kazakhstan benefits from its central geographical location between Europe and Asia. This is also reflected in the name of the largest company supplying machinery and equipment for mining and construction in the area: Eurasian Machinery LLP.

With more than 600 employees, Eurasian Machinery provides customers with high-quality technical services through ten centers in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Besides being the official distributor of Hitachi Construction Machinery – their spearhead product line – they also supply the industry with machinery and equipment from a host of other high prestige global brands. As of August 2021, these include Robit.

George Apostolopoulos, Robit’s VP, Global Sales, is thoroughly familiar with the Central Asian market and sees great synergies for Robit in the exclusive distributor agreement with Eurasian Machinery.

“Eurasian Machinery have a strong reputation in the Kazakh market. They have done an excellent job with the Hitachi Construction Machinery brand and have placed themselves among the preferred suppliers for the country’s mining industry. They are present with equipment and service contracts in most of the mines in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan”, George says.

“Customer satisfaction is driving their efforts and they are providing high-quality services to the industry. A high-tech Component Repair Center in Karaganda serves the purpose very well.”

“This is a very significant deal for Robit as the Kazakh mining market is among the biggest in the world. It’s the 2nd largest within our East sales area after Russia. It could provide significant leverage for our sales; big opportunities exist for our Top Hammer products both underground and surface, as well as our Down the Hole offering.”

“There is some tough competition in this market not only from the traditional players but also from low-cost suppliers. This makes it particularly important for us to have a renowned and well-represented distributor in this market”, George concludes.

Picture: A view over the steppes from a chalk mountain in northern Kazakhstan.


Mining has long been a key driver of the Australian economy. With more than 350 operating mines, it is one of the world’s leading producers of iron ore, lithium, gold, lead, bauxite, uranium, and zinc, to name but a few, making it a very attractive market for a company like Robit.

Thanks to the acquisition of Drilling Tools Australia (DTA) in 2016, the country is a domestic market for Robit, with customer relationships reaching back to the DTA days. One of these long-standing partners is Ausdrill, one of the largest drilling services providers in Australia, founded in 1987.

We talked to Mark Hercik‑Saul who started with Ausdrill in 2003 as an Offsider, worked his way to Driller to Supervisor to Superintendent and is currently Project Manager for RC regional, looking after some ten RC (Reverse Circulation) drill rigs for various clients in Western Australia and South Australia. Mark has been using Robit’s Down the Hole (DTH) hammers for years.

“Our preferred hammers of choice from Robit are the DR 55 and DR 53, mainly for their downhole reliability, performance, and durability to wear. We have continuous online and in-field support from Robit with any issues that may develop with any of their products. For quality products, the prices are also competitive”, Mark says.

In a busy market like Australia, availability must be a key issue when it comes to drilling consumables. How has Robit been performing on that front?
“We have been working closely with Robit to tailor our frequently ordered parts to meet the demand/ supply to all of our sites. This has been challenging over the last couple of years with Covid-19 restrictions in play, but having local manufacturing close by, I feel the communication has grown stronger through this time”, says Mark.

From your vantage point, what’s the future outlook for the Australian mining sector? What kind of role do you see Robit could play in it?
“Mining is definitely booming, and since the Australian economy is strong at the moment, the demand to keep up supply for all drilling products is high. I think Robit will have an important role in the future by keeping proactive with their site support, which to me is the key to having good relationships and trust between suppliers and companies. They also should be open to new innovations and designs combined with competitively priced products”, Mark concludes.

Picture: An Ausdrill RC drill rig at work at Woodie Woodie Manganese mine, Pilbara, Western Australia


Two branches of the Thompson River run through the ruggedly picturesque landscapes of south-central British Columbia, to meet at the eastern end of Kamloops Lake. The town of Kamloops was founded there as a fur trading post 200 years ago. Today, Kamloops is a thriving city with rich copper and gold deposits nearby.

Afton mine, situated 10 km west of Kamloops, was originally an open-pit gold and copper mine, in operation throughout the 1980s and 90s. New Gold,a Canadian mining company, acquired the mine and restarted production in 2012, now as an underground mine called New Afton. Last year, New Afton produced 64,000 ounces (some 1,800 kg) of gold and about
33,000 tons of copper.

New Gold had been using Robit’s Top Hammer (TH) tools in New Afton for years. However, in early 2019, through ownership changes at the supplier, New Afton switched to another brand of TH consumables. Over the course of the year, it became evident that the performance of the TH Tools did not meet the Mines expectations. In 2020, Ryley Renneberg and Cody
MacLeod from the Sales Division of Pinnacle Drilling Products (Pinnacle), Robit’s Canadian distributor, decided it was an opportune time to reach out to New Gold.

“We arranged an in-person meeting with New Gold’s production mine manager. We listened to their problems with their new brand of TH tooling and discussed how we might be able to help out. New Gold had been happy with Robit before and they knew the production performance well, so this really helped progress things forward. It turned out to be the start of a great relationship between Pinnacle and New Gold”, Ryley reminisces.

“We reassured we could have a seamless transition and were able to support New Gold through the ramp-up period, not to mention this pandemic situation and the global supply chain crisis.”

For Robit, the first purchase order in the spring of 2021 meant a need for a serious production ramp-up of TH tools.

Says Mikko Vuojolainen, Robit’s Vice President, North America: “It’s always a critical period when a customer switches supplier. The new supplier must be able to deliver 100% availability. In this case, our TH production lines were already fully booked so we needed to get creative. We divided the products into two groups: those we can start delivering two months post order, and those we can start delivering four months post order. It worked out perfectly.”

Since August 2021, New Afton is back to using Robit’s TH tools in their underground operations. The New Afton deal can also help propel the Pinnacle-Robit business partnership forward.

“It brings us leverage into the mining industry within North America. I believe it’s going to open many other opportunities for us to challenge the ‘big three’ in the market”, says Ryley Renneberg.

Picture: Kamloops Lake on a frosty winter day.

Robit’s equipment for environmentally friendly energy from the ground

Today, the term energy well is used instead of the thermal well, as an energy well is increasingly used for both heating and cooling. Robit is strongly involved in developing increasingly better products for drilling energy and water wells. Each year, Robit’s products are used to drill more than 30,000 water and energy wells worldwide. Thus, the company is closely linked to the utilisation of emission-free green energy and sustainable development.

Robit’s product portfolio includes the necessary equipment for drilling from 4” diameter to 18” inch energy wells. Deeper energy well drilling has also begun worldwide for geothermal power plants. In Otaniemi, Espoo, Finland, for example, drilling has reached the depth of about 6.4 km. The temperature of water pumped from that depth is over 100 °C.

A modern efficient heat pump connected to an energy well can save over half the energy costs compared to, for example, oil and electricity. Compared to an oil boiler, for example, which must be replaced every 15 to 20 years, only moving parts must be replaced in the heat pump within the same period. The heat pump can simply be described as a device that utilises so-called free energy, which is present in ground and bedrock.

Warmly welcome to visit us at the biggest groundwater industry event – Groundwater Week in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, between 14th and 16th December 2021. You will find us at the booth #1027 on Wednesday and Thursday. Our team will introduce you the widest range of top quality well drilling tools.

Visit us at Groundwater Week 2021

Navigate the future with us at the biggest groundwater industry event – Groundwater Week in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, between 14th and 16th December 2021. You will find us at the booth #1027 on Wednesday and Thursday.

Our team will introduce you the widest range of top quality well drilling tools: DTH hammers, pilot bits, ring bits (casing advanced and under reamer systems), DTH bits, rotary bits, drill pipes, shock absorbers, subs, check valves, hammer sleeves and accessories. See the new tubeless WH TL -hammer series for DTH drilling, which functions without the foot valve, often considered to be the most fragile part when drilling, thus eliminating the operational downtime needed to replace the valve. The hammer features improved strength and optimal performance, as well as adjustable airflow, to allow for increased efficiency. Please read more from Robit DTH WH TL Hammer Catalogue.

Robit products are specially designed to offer maximum reliability with cost-effective drilling in variable ground conditions.

Emission free sustainable green energy with Robit well drilling products!

Robit NGWA-team