Save the date for Conexpo 2020 visit!

Save the date for Conexpo 2020 visit!

Robit is pleased to invite you to visit our booth at the upcoming CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2020. The event will take place during March 10-14, 2020 in Las Vegas USA. You will find our team at the booth #C33165.

CONEXPO-CON/AGG is North America’s largest construction trade show, featuring the latest equipment advances and newest technology applications in every aspect of construction and drilling.

Through our technologies and support, we are pleased to help the major construction sector with all their drilling needs and offer the solutions to even the toughest projects. Robit is representing drilling in aggregates production, concrete, piling, quarrying, tunneling, mining, surface and underground construction.  Come and meet our experts to hear more about the widest offering in top quality drilling consumables.

Hope to see you in Las Vegas!

Welcome to Denver – 46th Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique

Join us at the Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center for the 46th Annual Conference on Explosives & Blasting Technique, the largest gathering of explosives technology in the world. This show provides access to a broad market of explosives users, products and accessories. Last year more than 1,800 people attended including blasters from over 57 countries. They came to learn about the exciting advances in the field of explosives application, research and technology. More than 140 booths of products; equipment; blasting tools and innovative technology, setting the standards for the explosives industry, were also displayed.

The conference is scheduled for Jan. 26-29, 2020, with the Blasters Weekend beginning on Saturday, Jan. 25.

You will find us at the booth #903.

More info at:

Warmly welcome, Robit team

Partnership in the AUSTRALIAN OUTBACK

Western Australia is a land of extremes. It’s sitting on the oldest rock crust on Earth, formed three billion years ago. It’s most likely also home to the oldest life forms on our planet, dating back even further, some three and a half billion years.

Today, human life forms in the state are mostly concentrated on the fertile coastal areas. In contrast, the vast central parts – the Outback – consist mostly of sparsely inhabited hot desert. In these circumstances the only significant economic activity is mining. 15% of all the world’s iron ore is produced in Western Australia; the state is also a major extractor of gold and bauxite.

A young Matt Izett started out as a driller’s assistant, or “offsider”, for a major drilling operator in Western Australia in the 1980s. By the turn of the century he was managing a branch office of a mining supplies company.

In 2005 Matt took another leap forward and founded Ranger Drilling with his wife Julie, specializing mostly in Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling for customersoperating in the West Australian iron ore market. In fourteen years Ranger has, through consistent growth, become a major player in the industry with 19 drill rigs.

A reliable choice for remote locations, RC drilling is a preferred method for mineral exploration. It uses far less water than diamond drilling, making it ideal for arid areas such as Western Australia, where sourcing water is expensive.

Since the beginning, Ranger has made a point of constantly optimizing and customizing tools, equipment and drilling techniques. In this mission, Ranger have enjoyed a great relationship with Robit Australia (formerly DTA) over the last ten years.

Robit supplies Ranger with RC hammers and bits. “We have made DIFOT a priority with Ranger as their business has grown the offering in mining, exploration, and hydro”, says Mark McGrath, Regional Sales Manager, Robit Australia. “Our team does its best to ensure Ranger can continue to provide world class customer service each and every day.”

Top Hammer theoretical and practical training in Ecuador

Training organized by: Maqoperador S.A. (Ecuador) and Robit PLC
Objective: To give Top Hammer drilling tool customers theoretical knowhow and practical training to ensure maximum drilling performance
Location: Guayaquil, Ecuador
Date: November 22, 2019
Drill bits used: Robit HTG bit 45C76 DSR vs. a bit from another brand
Reported by: José Rodríguez, Sales Manager, Robit


In ensuring maximum performance in Top Hammer drilling, one key element is selecting the optimal drill bit. To this end, a series of training sessions for our customers in Ecuador were organized jointly by Maqoperador, the distributor of Robit’s tools in Ecuador, and Robit.

In the theoretical part of the training we covered a wide range of topics such as drill string elements, energy flow through the drill string, correct drilling parameters, selection criteria for button bits, and total drilling costs.

For the practical training, Maqoperador arranged a visit to a quarry where the performance of two T45x76 mm bit designs was measured: a Robit Drop Centre Retrac bit vs. a bit from another brand. The other brand had overlarge 13 mm buttons whereas our bit was 11 mm. Typically customers see oversized carbides as a good feature, but our tests proved otherwise.

The difference in penetration rate was significantly in favour of Robit: 1,8 m/min vs. competitor at 1,06 m/min. In other words, Robit was faster by more than 70%.

Being able to drill faster with less effort also means a better energy flow from the drill string to the rock. This is why differences in overheating were also expected between the bits. If percussion energy is not correctly transmitted from the drill string to the rock, it will dissipate into heat, creating additional problems. Due to the overlarge buttons, the energy was not efficiently transmitted to the rock, so the competitor’s bit was overheating the shank adapter at 150 °C, while with the Robit bit, the shank adapter kept a much cooler temperature at 98 °C.

To ensure the reliability of the results, the testing was performed with the same drill rig, the same operator in the same quarry, using the same drilling parameters at a distance of 1 metre between the holes of each bit.

What was particularly rewarding for us to see was how actively the attendees participated in the training. Events like this are very rarely, if ever, arranged by other brands or distributors, so they truly add great value for our customers and help enhance the Robit brand. We will soon be organizing the same training in other parts of the world. Stay tuned!

Gigantic dry dock rising on the Kola Bay

In the coming years, the use of liquified natural gas (LNG) in transport and industry is expected to grow significantly. That is a key reason why earlier this year, a Robit Steel Fist pilot bit started to penetrate granite rock in the Kola peninsula.

As far as fossil fuels go, LNG is by far the most environmentally friendly – it has the lowest CO2 emissions per unit of energy while also having the highest heating value. Thus, it has big potential as a future transport fuel alongside biofuels, hydrogen and electric mobility, and most major fossil fuel companies have begun investing in it.

Treasure hidden beneath the permafrost

Russia has the largest natural gas reserves in the world. The bulk of those reserves is sitting under the permafrost in northwest Siberia, in the Yamal Peninsula and its offshore areas. Recent years in the region have seen a massive investment in the so-called Yamal project, a joint venture between Russian, French and Chinese companies, which includes a huge LNG plant, in operation since 2017.

The Yamal project is now being followed by the Arctic LNG-2, another major international joint venture, located in the neighbouring Gyda peninsula. It has an ambitious plan to cut the production costs by placing the LNG production plants offshore in the Gulf of Ob on so-called gravitybased structures (GBS). These reinforced concrete structures are built on a shipyard, towed to the intended location, and then sunk onto the seabed.

Arctic village transformed

Until recently, Belokamenka was a small village just north of Murmansk in the northwest corner of Russia. In 2017 it was chosen as the location for the new shipyard where the GBSs are to be built. This means a massive transformation in the area, covering more than 150 hectares. The shipyard will have two dry docks, each 400 x 175 m, the largest in Russia. Currently the construction site employs some 4,000 people.

The construction of pipe pile walls for the dry docks is performed by NK-Teplokhimmontazh and the drilling contractor Spetsfundament Plus. It involves the drilling of no less than a thousand piles, up to 32 metres deep, through sand and loam into the granite bedrock. Their tool of choice for this Down-the-Hole job is the large diameter Robit Steel Fist Casing System. Drilling work on dry dock #1 is now completed and will continue into 2020 on dry dock #2.

In 2022, the first GBS built in Belokamenka is expected to start its 1,600 km voyage, with the help of a powerful tugboat fleet, across the Barents Sea to its destination in the Gulf of Ob.

Robit and EuroDrilling Center forms a partnership to serve Swedish drillers

Based on agreement signed 1st of November, EuroDrilling Center will represent Robit and distribute all Robit products in Sweden. As a part of this agreement Robit becomes minority shareholder of EuroDrilling Center. We are committed to serve our Swedish customers through new partnership focused in drilling consumables. 

Tommi Lehtonen Robit Group CEO: “We are excited to create this new partnership to serve Swedish drilling industry with a combination of EuroDrilling Center’s experienced team combined with Robit’s high performance, wide offering and global capabilities. We have strong common ambition to contribute positively to Swedish Drilling Industry.”

Christer Wretman CEO of EuroDrilling Center: “Through this new partnership EuroDrilling Center will enter the market in a new stronger way. Now with full Robit’s Top hammer and Down the hole offering we’re able to serve drillers in all applications.

For more information contact:

Christer Wretman,

Tommi Lehtonen,

Picture, from left: Tomi Sydänmaa, Regional Sales Manager, EMEA – Christer Wretman, CEO of EuroDrilling Center – Tommi Lehtonen, Robit Group CEO

Welcome to Las Vegas – Groundwater Week, 3-5 December!

Warmly welcome to the biggest groundwater industry event – Groundwater Week in Las Vegas, USA, between 3rd and 5th December 2019. You will find us at the booth N521.

Our team will introduce you the widest range of quality well drilling tools: DTH-hammers from 4” up to 12”, 4½”-12¾” pilot bits, ring bits (casing advanced and under reamer systems), DTH bits from 3” to 12”, rotary bits, drill pipes, shock absorbers, subs, check valves, hammer sleeves and accessories.

Robit products are specially designed to offer maximum reliability with cost-effective drilling in variable ground conditions.

Emission free sustainable green energy with Robit well drilling products!

Robit NGWA-team

The Mining Show

As the largest event of its kind, The Mining Show is back for a 12th year, once again bringing together the entire mining and quarrying ecosystem in Dubai, 5-6 November.

It’s the only regional event which will allow you to capitalise on the development and change in mining across the Middle East, Africa and Central Asia.

Growing year on year, the event brings together the stakeholders leading key projects, the latest opportunities in mineral exploration, reformation of codes and regulations, and development of opportunities across several exciting countries.

Our Robit Team is delighted to introduce You the widest offering in drilling consumable offering. Come to visit us at our booth D61 and pick up our brand new catalogue for your upcoming investments. Let’s do it easier – save the cost of drilled meters!

Warmly welcome!

Welcome to FEM 2019 – 12th Fennoscandian Exploration and Mining Event

The biannual FEM, founded in 1998, brings together over thousand exploration and mining industry leaders, experts and researchers from almost 30 countries. Conference will be held between 29 and 31 October 2019 in Levi, Finland.

You will find us at the booth #C25.

Widen your network, do business, bring fresh ideas back to your company – and have fun!

Warmly welcome!

Robit Team

Welcome to visit our stand #912, XXXIII International Mining Convention, Mundo Imperial, Acapulco!

As every two years, the Association of Mining Engineers, Metallurgists and Geologists of Mexico will be in charge of initiating preparations for the International Mining Convention, one of the most important mining events in Latin America.

The 33rd edition of the Convention will take place from 22 to 25 October 2019, at the beautiful port of Acapulco Guerrero as its headquarters, a place we consider home of the miners.

The works will be carried out in the exhibition center Mundo Imperial, undoubtedly one of the best places in Mexico for its beauty and efficiency. You will find us at the booth #912.

See you in Acapulco!

Robit Team

Diamond button bits for Top Hammer drilling

Successful drilling consists of several factors: substrate knowledge, the right tools for the right time, and support when needed. But drilling consumables are always at the heart of operations – and Robit specialises in them.

As its latest innovation, Robit is launching diamond button bits for Top Hammer drilling.

“Traditionally, bits have had hard metal buttons, but in the new Robit Diamond Button Series bits the buttons have an industrial diamond coating, which lasts many times longer than a regular bit and does not need to be sharpened,” explains Robit Plc’s Niko Ojala, R&D Engineer and Materials Specialist.

Unique production method

The diamond coating is made on the buttons in the same way as diamonds are also created, namely by subjecting it to high pressure and heat, which makes it even more durable than natural diamond.

“The coating has several layers, which ensures adherence and enables the diamond bit to withstand the shocks and heat fluctuations of Top Hammer drilling. Robit Group has previously used the diamond coating with success in oil and gas operations in softer substrates. Now the durability of diamond is offered for the first time for shock drilling in hard rock,” says Ojala.

“Traditionally, bits have had hard metal buttons, but in the new Robit Diamond Button Series bits the buttons have an industrial diamond coating, which lasts many times the lifetime of a regular bit and does not need to be sharpened,” says Robit Plc’s Niko Ojala, R&D Engineer and Materials Specialist.

The coating has several layers, which ensures adherence and enables the diamond bit to withstand the shocks and heat fluctuations of Top Hammer drilling.

Backed by in-depth development work

Robit has been developing the Diamond Button Series products for five years.

“Field tests have been conducted extensively with ever-improving results and great success, and now the 0 series products are available to customers. Mass production and deliveries will begin during the latter part of the year; initially 89 mm and 102 mm diamond bits will offered. We have also already signed the first extensive agreement in the mining sector with Agnico Eagle Kittilä mine, Finland, which will start using the Robit Diamond Button Series this autumn,” says Robit Plc’s Kimmo Kangas, Sales Manager.

“Test cooperation with Robit in these new innovative products has been productive. The goal is to use diamond bits to make remote drilling more efficient in terms of use of resources and productivity than drilling using regular bits,” says Agnico Eagle’s Jari Kolehmainen (Production Manager) and Janne Saukko (General Supervisor).

Drilling metres multiply

In test use, the new diamond bits have yielded outstanding results:

“When drilling hard granite you may have to sharpen – i.e. change – a traditional hard metal button bit, for example after 80 metres, while with the diamond button bit you can drill nearly one kilometre. And as the diamond buttons do not, in practice, wear out, then their penetrating ability does not deteriorate like regular hard metal buttons. Drilling speed therefore remains the same throughout the bit’s time of use. Similarly, the diameter of the borehole does not decrease as the bit ages, resulting in a more consistent and predictable end result in production drilling. The many times longer change interval of the bit saves time and is particularly important for remote-controlled drill rigs in fully automated mining environments where people are not present during the process,” says Ojala.

Mining and Minerals Hall 2019 in Sevilla – meet You there!

In October 2019, Seville Conference and Exhibition Centre (FIBES) is hosting a new edition of Mining and Minerals Hall. This third MMH is gathering the mining stakeholders from all over the world again, consolidating itself as the great event of this nature in Europe, and is bringing further developments learning from previous years.

Get a firsthand look at our new products, comprehensive services and integrated solutions.

Meet you at MMH 2019!

Robit Team

Welcome to SIM 2019 – Exhibition of the Congress of Mineral Industry Society!

The SIM exhibition is the leading point of contact for the extractive industries sector in France! It highlights the equipment and know-how of the suppliers of products and services in the sector.

We’ll introduce you our unbeatable product range including technology for measuring the deviation of boreholes.

Exhibition will be held between October 2nd – 4th, 2019, Montpellier – France.

You will find us at the booth #F4.

Warmly welcome, Robit team

See You in Peru!

You are more than welcome to visit us at the booth #613 & #614 in the second largest mining convention in the world – Perumin 34 from 16th to 20th of September 2019, in Arequipa, Peru.

Robit team

HAKANIEMI: an indoor market completely remade

In June 1914, the people of Helsinki had reason to be proud. A new, grand, two-storey indoor market hall, praised as Europe’s largest and most modern, opened at the Hakaniemi square. Now, over a hundred years later, the venerable marketplace is undergoing the most thorough renovation of its history.

Hakaniemi Hall is one of the most massive renovation projects Stara (the City of Helsinki Construction Services) has ever undertaken. The building is protected, so the exteriors must remain unchanged, but on the inside, practically everything has been torn down. The building is now held together by metal buttresses reaching all the way up to the ceiling.

The project began with ground cleaning and reinforcement, as the land under the hall was found to be heavily contaminated. The old load-bearing wooden piles also proved to have weakened over time. They will be cut off and replaced with new metal piles.

In addition to renovation work, the project includes excavations for an underground connection to the Hakaniemi metro station and to a service yard. The sheet piling work required for the 5–10 metre deep interconnections is carried out by Fingeo Oy.

“In addition to sheet piling, we have driven individual piles in the hall to support the old structures,” says driller Arli Kolamets, Fingeo. Arli operates a DTH drill rig, with wear parts supplied by Robit.

“Robit delivers our drill bits, pilots, DTH hammers, ring bits and adapters, among others. Deliveries are really smooth and the products arrive at the site quickly. Robit’s technical support is also exemplary. I have been given advice on e.g. pile penetration rates and hammer air pressure. The workday often stretches far into the evening and it is great that Robit always picks up the phone. My special thanks to Sami Paavola for his competence and customer service attitude”, Arli says.

The sheet piling will be completed during summer 2019. A lot of work, however, remains to be done inside – and underneath – the walls of Hakaniemi Hall before it finally reopens, completely modernized, for business in 2021.

WestConnex: helping to ease future traffic in Sydney

Ever since World War II, the motor car, more than anything, has been the driving force behind urban development in Sydney, Australia’s largest city.

To fight the constant traffic congestion, major investments in infrastructure have been made in the car-dependent city over the last decade. In addition to public transport such as light rail lines and the metro system, these include several motorway projects. WestConnex, the largest of them, has been described as the biggest transport project in Sydney and all of Australia since the Harbour Bridge.

WestConnex, in operation since 2015, is a joint project of the New South Wales and Australian governments. It includes a widening of the M4 Motorway, a new section for the M5 South-West Motorway, and a new bypass of the Sydney central business district connecting the M4 and M5.

The M4–M5 Link Tunnels are the most important stage of WestConnex, providing a vital connection between two of Sydney’s busiest motorways.

Tunneling work, a joint venture between Lendlease, Samsung C&T, and Bouygues (LSBJV), takes place on three separate sites: St Peters Interchange, Haberfield, and Pyrmont Bridge Road.

Drilling began in April 2019. It involves Top Hammer drilling of holes for ground support at all three sites. The supply contract of TH consumables was awarded to Hard Metal Industries (HMI), Robit’s Australian dealer.

“The contract covers the supply of shanks, rods, bits and couplings to LSBJV. Together with HMI we beat off stiff competition from a number of other suppliers”, says Technical Sales Representative Richard Epstein, Robit Australia.

The supply of Robit tools is expected to continue into late 2020. The entire WestConnex project is scheduled to be finished by 2023. Once completed, it will help thousands of motorists by easing congestion on the M4 and the M5, making their daily commute a great deal quicker and safer.

Moving Thailand’s FREIGHT TO RAIL

Moving freight across a large, busy country like Thailand is an expensive business. Thailand’s logistical overhead is around 1.75 trillion baht (€50 billion) per year. To cut this overhead, the Thai government has started an ambitious program aiming to move a large amount of road and air freight to rail.

Thailand has about 4,000 km of rail network, most of which is single track. In order to boost the role of rail – currently carrying only 2 % of Thailand’s freight – the government plan includes doubling large parts of the single-track railroads.

One of the double tracks to be laid in the first phase (2018–2022) is the 120 km stretch on the Northeastern main line from Map Kabao to Thanon Chira Junction in the central part of the country. This involves the excavation of three new tunnels.

Two of the tunnel sites are located in Saraburi province, some 150 km northeast from Bangkok, and one in Nakhon Ratchasima province, 200 km from Bangkok. The main contractor for the work is Right Tunnelling (RT), who Robit have been supplying with rock tools for several years.

Drilling work began in January 2019. “We signed a consignment agreement for the job sites with RT in March. It covers a full set of our tools, including bits, rods, couplings and shanks. Things have run smoothly”, says Yong Woo Jeon, Distributor Business Manager for Robit in the region.

Once completed, Tunnel 1 near Map Kabao – a twin tunnel, 1.4 km each – will be the longest railway tunnel in Thailand. Tunnel 3 at Khlong Phai, Nakhon Ratchasima, will also be a relatively long twin tunnel (1 km each).

Moving a tonne of freight by road costs almost twice as much per kilometre as by rail. The railway project is still in its early stages, but once finished, Thailand can expect huge savings in logistical costs every year.

Meet us at RETC 2019 – one-of-a-kind tunneling event in Chicago, USA

Meet us at the RETC 2019, Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference, June 16-19 in Chicago, USA.
You will find us at our stand #509.

We’ll introduce you the patented Robit® RoX Casing Systems series for forepoling. It allows easy driving of the casing tubes into the ground with low torque demand. In modern forepoling also fiberglass casings can be used for ultra-long facebolts.

Robit team will be delighted to tell you more about our tunnelling products and also other drilling consumables in our offering.

Welcome to meet us at RETC 2019!

Robit Team