Marina gets overhaul in Britanny

In the late 18th century, France’s revolutionary government was in its prime. Napoleon’s star was rising and his armies swept through Europe. Napoleon himself knew that “armies march on their stomachs”. The government offered a 12,000-franc prize for the invention of a method of preserving food during long military campaigns. This would later have far-reaching impacts on the small Brittany village of Quiberon.

After years of experimentation, Parisian confectioner Nicolas Appert discovered that the combination of heat and air-tight packaging prevents food from getting spoiled. And so canning was invented – and Appert pocketed a nice sum of 12,000 francs.

Not long after, it was discovered in Brittany that tin cans were also a convenient way of preserving sardines. In the 19th century, Quiberon became the leading harbour for sardine fishing and the production of canned sardines in France.

Quiberon’s canned sardines can still be bought today, even online, but sardine fishing as a livelihood gave way to tourism a long time ago. Nowadays, the charming Port Haliguen is an important marina for recreational boaters, with more than 1,100 moorings and 11,000 overnight stays a year. Next to the marina lies a long stretch of beautiful sandy beach.

Originally built for fishing boats, the port was being stretched to its limit in terms of growth. The port’s infrastructure and installations are past their prime, and natural silting has made the harbour basins too low for larger boats.

A massive renovation project is currently under way in Port Haliguen: Its two harbour basins are being dredged deeper, the quays and pontoons are being completely redesigned, and additional moorings will be installed. In the first phase, the goal is to remove more than 50,000 cubic metres of clay from the basins. The clay will be used as filler in a new parking area that is to be built.

The contractors on the project are VINCI Construction Maritime et Fluvial and Eiffage TMF. The harbour foundations are constructed as a combi-wall structure, where steel piles are drilled into the seabed as load-bearing structures and steel sheets are installed in between them to form a wall. Robit was in charge of the technical solutions for the combi wall, under the leadership of Senior Specialist Kari Juntunen and Distributor Business Manager Taha Laissaoui. “Together with VINCI, we came up with the best overall solution, including equipment and operating methods. And it proved to be a winner: the piling was a great success,” recounts Taha.

A total of 460 piles with an average length of 15–18 metres were drilled. Some of the piles were delivered by the Finnish company SSAB. Robit’s delivery included casing systems (DTH-ROX SR 863/23), a robust 24-inch hammer and shock absorbers.

The port modernisation project is massive, and for the time being, the screeching of the seagulls is drowned out by the rumbling of excavators and drills. Port Haliguen should be ready to welcome travellers in all its renewed splendour in 2020.

TGB and Robit made the “impossible” sheet piling possible


A Swedish company TGB had major difficulties in sheet piling through rocky boulders. With Robit’s pilot technology, the impossible was made possible.

The rocky terrain proved to be so challenging, that the company decided to pre-drill the holes with Robit® Multi-Use casing system and retrieve the casing (406.4/12.5; L=6000 mm) afterwards. In the same project some piles were permanent and with the Robit® DTH-RoX 3-1, the same pilot was used to complete the drilling with Eco-rings.

TGB was able to complete the project on time with controlled investment. Christer Wretman, our distributor in Sweden, says: “Impossible project was turned to success with Robit Casing System”.

Skanska and Robit kept a warehouse stable in Turku


To meet the demands from the contractor, Skanska needed new drill technology for reinforcing the foundations of a famous warehouse with underpinning.

A long-time landmark in the center of Turku, Sokos Wiklund warehouse building, needed a total of 200 holes to be drilled with casing in the underground parking hall. Additional corrosion reinforcement and concrete were then installed inside the 219.1/12.5 Ruukki casing tube. Due to space restrictions set by the site, a small drilling unit was used. Drilling with a ring bit casing system was the only alternative.

With Robit Casing System, the drilling was completed in a very short time. With such an impressive outcome, it was decided to introduce the system to several similar projects in the region.

Robit and Sotkamon Porakaivo anchored a paperi mill to the bedrock


A paper mill in Finland needed altogether 58 holes for foundation reinforcement with depth varying from 12 to 16 meters. The terrain over bedrock was difficult, but Robit Casing System handled it fine.

Sotkamon Porakaivo had a challenge with the job of casing drilling to the bedrock and then drilling one meter into the bedrock itself. The first six meters of the formation consisted of sand and gravel. Blocks of granite and grillage (wood, clay and gravel) had also to be dealt with.

Robit® Casing System was the preferred technology due to its ability to drill difficult formations. Casing tube of 139.7/5.6; L=3000 mm was used. A 90 mm diameter steel bar was inserted and grouted to each hole. The end result was that the drilling went smoothly despite the difficult drilling conditions.

Pipe pile wall construction work at Viljuisk hydro power plant in Yakutia Russia


The goal of this project is to secure the reinforced concrete bottom and wall slabs of the incoming water channel and also to prevent their final breakage and flushing away by water flow.

The project owner is Russian State energy company «Rushydro» and it is projected by OAO “Lenhydroproject” engineering company from St. Petersburg in cooperation with Robit Rocktools. From Robit´s side the project was supported by Mr. Kari Juntunen and Mr. Juha Sorjonen. The project also included underwater drilling which was made during the operation of hydro power plant.

The project included the following stages:

  • diving operations in the depth of 8-9 m with water flow rate of 0,5 – 1,0 m/s
  • drilling through 1,7 – 1,95 m reinforced concrete bottom slabs using 1 m diam. diamond bit
  • removal of 1 m diam. pieces of reinforced concrete slab from the bottom
  • construction of 720 mm pipe pile wall (height 11,5 m) on the river bottom through the drill hole in reinforced concrete slab
  • concreting of the seam between the reinforced concrete slab and pipe pile wall
  • underwater concreting and installation of the pipe pile wall on the whole length of channel

After the operations above the complete pipe pile wall is installed according to the cross section of the incoming water channel of hydro power plant. This construction is used to prevent the breakage and flushing away of reinforced concrete bottom slabs what has already taken place during the last 20 years of operation.

Time of the project is 2 years but due to the working schedule of the power plant surface and underwater operations can be commenced only in July – September.

The installation of pipe pile wall was started in July 2013 by contracting company “OOO SU-299” from St. Petersburg. Till the end of September 15 piles were drilled and 20 m of pipe pile wall was installed. The method has proved to be successful and economical in the extremely hard working conditions of Yakutia.

From “OOO SU-299” company the project was managed by Mr. Vitali Korshunov, Project Manager and Mr. Vladimir Klimov, Development Director.

The following machinery was used in the project:

  • “BRAUN” diamond drilling equipment and tools
  • “ROBIT ROCKTOOLS” drilling technology and tools, Wing Bit DTH SF 720/10 N180
  • “COMACCIO” DTH drilling rig
  • “ROBIT” 18” DTH hammer
  • 200 t and 500 t barges, floating crane 5 t , a towing vessel


Piling without disturbing the neighbours in Stockholm


Solna Arenastaden right next to Solna railway station needed support piles for passage over railway between Arena and surrounding buildings. The urban site called for extra care and Robit products.

The work site needed some 150 piles (220/12.5) to be driven to overburden ground, which tends to ”suck the water” due to numerous fractions. What’s more, there was a large sewage passing near the worksite, let alone railway and buildings. In this environment, any pollution would be no-no as well.

Due to ground type, air drilling would almost surely cause problems to surroundings. The use of Wassara W150 ensured fast penetration and created less noise. The project was finished with minimum disturbance.

New Robit horizontal drilling equipment proves its worth in Sweden


Robit, in collaboration with our retailer Swedish retailer GDS Sverige AB, put our new HZ product series to test under a motorway ramp near Landvetter airport.

Robit has been developing the new HZ series for horizontal drilling in Sweden since the early 2011. Now, the new system was put through its paces under a motorway ramp, where a 24-meter hole of size 406.4/12.7 was drilled. The land filling under the ramp consisted partially of very large boulders. Because of the boulders and directional requirements, the drilling was a challenging test to our new HZ series.

Despite the rough terrain, the results proved successful. No problems occurred, and the drilling went as

planned. What’s more, the test drilling results have enabled the company to further improve the functionality of the HZ product line.

Lemminkäinen builds a new metro station with Robit


The so-called West Metro is a major expansion to current underground railway system in the Finnish metropolitan area, stretching it all the way to Espoo. Lemminkäinen is in charge of building the Koivusaari metro station, complete with a kilometer of tunnel. As usual, Robit delivers the goods.

The project, involving much earth-moving and digging, takes place in an urban, unforgiving environment. “The location is challenging, so it is essential that all components needed for the work have high quality and reliability”, says Annina Peisa, Construction Manager at Lemminkäinen. “Our suppliers have a substantial impact on the success of our projects”.

Lemminkäinen and Robit have been co-operating successfully for the past ten years, and this site is no exception. The installation and drilling tools required for making excavations and supporting the walls with RD piles this are supplied by Robit. Thanks to our dedicated, knowledgeable service, the construction is well on the way, and expected to be finished on time.

No wonder Peisa is pleased: “Robit is a very customer-oriented partner”, she says. “If we have any problems in our projects, Robit will provide us with quick and professional service. They will come and check the situation on site as needed.”

Customer description

Lemminkäinen is a construction group specializing in building construction, infrastructure construction and technical building services. Its main markets are Finland and the Baltic Sea region. The Group employs about 8,400 people, and its turnover in 2011 was approximately EUR 2.2 billion.

Lemminkäinen and robit provide underground parking for 900 cars


A world-class parking facility called Kivisydän (“Heart of Stone”) is currently being excavated by Finland’s leading underground construction company, Lemminkäinen Corporation at a depth of 30 meters beneath Oulu’s city center. One of the largest and most challenging of its kind in Finland, the project makes good use of Robit’s expertise.

Robit Rocktools Ltd and Lemminkäinen have worked in close co-operation for nearly a decade, mostly in ground drilling. Kivisydän is the companies’ tunnel excavation pilot project. “The project extends our good partnership to the area of tunnel construction. Robit is supplying us with the latest technology button bits needed to excavate the underground parking facility. They are also taking care of sharpening the bits,” says Pentti Nieminen, site manager from Lemminkäinen.

Construction and excavation in the downtown core sets special demands on the work and planning. “This is a challenging underground site” emphasizes Pentti Nieminen. “We need expert partners whose work we can trust explicitly. In demanding conditions, knowledgeable people and state-of-the-art equipment are crucial for success”.

Robit’s trump card is, in addition to high-quality products, the smooth integration of a bit-sharpening service with deliveries. “Thanks to the service, our cooperation partners don’t have to worry about servicing the bits. This allows them to focus completely on their core competence,” explains Timo Rajala, Robit’s Finnish Sales and Marketing Director.

Robit helps the 2014 olympic games happen in sochi


In the course of the years, Robit Rocktools Ltd has been involved in several Olympic Games building projects all around the world. The work will continue with the next Winter Olympics in Sochi, as the local contractors rely on Robit products for digging the tunnel network – a necessary part of the game venue infrastructure.

The 2014 Olympic Games will be organized in Sochi, the first Winter Olympics to be held in Russia. To ensure smooth transport between the various sites, a tunnel network with a total length of over 26 kilometers is being excavated in the area. One of the key factors behind Sochi’s selection as the Olympic City was the creation of a functional road and railway network, and Robit has its share in this.

Several contractors in Sochi are utilizing the Robit RoX+ 88.9/8 Top Hammer system in tunnel work. The system consists of a pilot bit automatically locking with a ring bit, which makes work considerably easier and faster. “Word about the excellence of our product quickly got around the Sochi sites, and a total of six contractors started using it”, says Oleg Ivanov, Regional Manager at Robit Rocktools Ltd.

“Our co-operation went smoothly. The contractors appreciated our proactive technical support and service. We were able to respond to their wishes comprehensively,” Ivanov continues. Work on the Sochi tunnel sites is getting near completion. “We will continue by delivering our HTG bits to the Olympic sites as needed.”

Metro heads to the west with Kalliorakennus and Robit


The challenging construction work of the new, westbound metro line in Helsinki demands wide-ranging expertise. Drilling maintenance shafts for metro tunnels has little room for error, but Kalliorakennus-Yhtiöt ensured a successful end result by using Robit products.

The metro tunnel shafts are a vital part of the underground railway system. They serve as emergency exits, smoke vents and pressure equalization as well as ventilation systems. Among their other large contributions to the West Metro construction, Kalliorakennus-Yhtiöt had to drill 44 meter-deep shafts with a surface area of 68 square meters to solid Scandinavian bedrock – by no means a trivial task.

“We set tough quality requirements for the project, as the work outcome must be exact. We drilled the excavation holes for the shaft from the top right down to the bottom, whereas drilling is normally carried out from both the bottom and the top. It was crucial that the holes turned out straight,” explains site manager Martti Kähkönen from Kalliorakennus. “We used Robit Rocktools special equipment to make sure the drilling holes were straight”.

The collaboration between Kalliorakennus and Robit go back since the early ‘90s. “All of the bits we use are from Robit, because they are familiar products for me. I participated in the bit development work for the first time many years ago”, Kähkönen recalls. In addition to the shared history, Robit’s wide service offering has also impressed Kalliorakennus. “Robit is a reliable partner, but their bit-sharpening service was also a major reason behind why we chose them as co-operation partner in the West Metro project,” he says.